when i woke up this morning, it was valentine's day. in the past i'd worry about getting presents for my loved one, my significant other, but i didn't have that burden this time around. and i have someone to get something for, it's just i didn't feel like any present or chocolate or flowers could truly represent me as a person and my worth. the other person's worth to me is a for greater then some last minute present i picked up (insert random place with cheap items) on the way to see them. the fact of the matter is i spent valentines day in my bed laying with my dogs and listening to them snore in the mid day while i watched sportscenter. yes nothing special to any of you reading this, but it was a great day for me. and even though i ended up with a massive headache, the day was great. i spent time with my sister jess and my mom. i was just so happy to be out and about with them doing things they needed to do. i know i'm not the best person in my family. i'm not the shining star by no means but i'm learning that if you don't have family you just have a dead end to look forward to.
in conclusion, i've realized that the people and the things you surround yourself with are what defines you and what represents you when you're long gone. i have bare walls in my room besides for a few big l records and a michael jordan jersey on the wall. 

next to my bed there's a table with an ihome, a winter beanie, some magazines and books, and some assorted stuffed animals i've been given.

so this is me. content with where i'm at but still hungry enough to keep pushing myself to gain the things i want in life. i can honestly say i'm happy to some extent and i've finally reached a place of solace that i can cope with and work with.

one love and peace to the gods.
1 comment:
1. you're smiling, weird.
2. i see BABY sneaks. GIMME!!
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